Date of Charter

2nd August 1875














50 Years old - The Great Depression - The Second World War.

2nd  August 1925. The Lodge completed Fifty years of work, and on the 7th August the Brethren celebrated this important occasion by holding a Jubilee Dinner, at which 270 Brethren assembled. Brother David Thom, R.W.M., presided, and welcomed the Brethren and visitors.The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire (M.W.) was represented by Brother Sir Robert King Stewart, K.B.E., J.P., Provincial Grand Master,and a Past Grand Master Mason of Scotland, Brother Colonel Peter Spence, V.D., J.P., Provincial Grand Master Depute, Brother James Buchanan, Provincial Grand S.W., Brother John C. Stewart, Provincial Grand J.W., Brother John Black, Provincial Grand Secretary, and Brother John Stirling, Provincial Grand Treasurer.Among the other distinguished visitors were Brother Henry I.Norton, P.M. Lodge No. 576, Provincial Grand Master Depute of Western Mediterranean District, and Brother A. I. Bennett, P.M. Lodge No. 576, Gilbraltar.An excellent dinner was purveyed by the Dalziel Co-operative Society in their very best style.The usual Loyal and Masonic Toasts were proposed and responded to, according to the Toast List, which was a beautiful souvenir of the occasion, and every Brother present received a Jubilee souvenir in the form of a booklet of the history of the Lodge, with photographs of every Master of the Lodge since its consecration.During the evening, Brother William Smellie, P.M., and Brother James Hynds (the only two founders of the Lodge alive) were presented with Founders’ Jewels, and Brother Alexander Anderson (who was an Initiate in the first year of the Lodge) also received a Jewel in honour of the occasion. The presentation was made by Brother Charles Campbell, P.M., in his usual interesting manner.A copy of the Lodge Jubilee Souvenir and Toast List was sent to Grand Lodge, and is placed in the Grand Lodge Library in Edinburgh.

8th October. Another important event in connection with the Jubilee Celebrations was the erection of a Memorial Bronze Tablet in memory of the late Brother Henry Dyer, P.M., Secretary. It was unveiled at a special meeting by Brother Sir Robert King Stewart, K.B.E., J.P., Provincial Grand Master. A large deputation of Provincial Grand Office-bearers, and Brethren from Sister Lodges attended. The Town Council was represented by Brother T. Stuart McLees, Provost, and Bailies James McClurg and James Mincher.Brother Sir Robert King Stewart, before unveiling the Tablet, paid a very high tribute to the work done by our late and much respected Brother, Henry Dyer. He was a founder of the Lodge in 1875, and an Office-bearer for the long term of 42 years. He was R.W.M. in 1881 -82 and Secretary for 38 years. He was also Provincial Past Senior Warden, and took an active interest in the affairs of Grand Lodge. In the Higher Degrees of Freemasonry he was a keen enthusiast, and the Preceptory of Knight Templars in Motherwell bears the honoured name of the "Henry Dyer Preceptory". Brother Stewart also paid a high tribute to the work he had done as a member of the Town Council and Magistrates Bench, as a member of the old Dalziel School Board, and as a member of the old Parochial Board, and Dalziel Parish Council. Brother Stewart complimented the Brethren of Lodge No. 573 for having included in this Jubilee Celebration the erection of a Memorial Tablet to such a worthy Brother as the late Brother Henry Dyer.Prayers of Dedication were offered up to the Great Architect of the Universe by Brother Reverend Duncan Cameron, Provincial Senior Chaplain.

The Tablet is situated in the East of the Lodge-room immediately behind the R.W.M.'s chair, and bears the inscription:-

Lodge Livingstone St. Andrew, No. 573.


Dedicated to the Memory of Brother Henry Dyer, 

Past Master, Founder, 1875.

Master, 1881 -82. Secretary for 38 years.

He laboured with much acceptance in the Lodge 

for 42 years.

A token of appreciation— 7th August, 1925.

Another interesting event in the Jubilee Celebrations was the spending of £50 from the Benevolent Fund as a special Jubilee grant to the widows of deceased Brethren.

19th August 1926. Brother Alexander Anderson, P.M., who was celebrating his Jubilee as a Freemason, presented the Lodge with Chains of Office for the Wardens, as a memento of the occasion. The presentation was made by Brother Anderson who recalled many of the events connected with the early days of the Lodge.Brother James Reid, R.W.M., on accepting the gift, paid great tribute to the abilities of Brother Anderson when serving the Lodge as R.W.M. for five years describing him as "a perfect gem of a Master".

9th June 1927. Brother William Henry Welsh, S.M. was congratulated by the R.W.M. and Brethren on having conferred on him by King George the honour of "A Member of the Order of the British Empire". The older members will remember the ken speckle figure of "Blantyre Barney".

17th September. A deputation of the Brethren attended at the Consecration of a new Masonic Temple at Lesmahagow for Lodge St. John, No. 20.

10th November. Reference to the death of Brother William Smellie, the last of the Founder Members of the Lodge, was made, when the R.W.M. paid a high tribute to the work he had done in the erecting and consecrating of the Lodge.

2nd February 1928. Reference is made in the minute, to the death of Brother Earl Haig, Past Senior Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. The Brethren being upstanding while the "Dead March" (in "Saul") was played on the organ.Brother James Reid, P.M., reported to the Lodge an account of the Installation of Brother Sir Robert King Stewart, KBE, LL, JP, of Murdostoun, as Provincial Grand Master, and intimated that he was present at Brother Stewart’s first Installation as Provincial Grand Master, 36 years ago.

20th June 1929. It was agreed to support the Halls Committee’s recommendation to certain alterations to the Lodge-room so as to make it more convenient for the Brethren. The Lodge agreed to pay one-third of the cost, the other two-thirds to be borne by our Sister Lodge No. 406 and the Halls Committee.

21st November. Reference was made to the death of Brother Lord Blythswood, Grand Master Mason of Scotland. The Brethren being upstanding while the "Dead March" (in "Saul") was played on the organ, and, at the request of Grand Lodge, the Lodge went into mourning until the 31st December.

15th May 1930. In the month of May of this year the United Burgh of Motherwell and Wishaw created a Police Force of its own, and three Brethren of this Lodge were appointed to important positions of responsibiiity in it, namely, Brother William Henry Welsh as Chief Constable, Brother George Manson as Inspector, and Brother John A. R. Murray as Sergeant. The congratulations of the Brethren are duly recorded in the minute.

25th December. Special mention is made of the death, and burial of Brother Sir Robert King Stewart, KBE, LL, Murdostoun Castle, Newmains, Provincial Grand Master of Lanarkshire (M.W.).

8th January 1931. In the King’s Honours List at the New Year, 1931, the honour of a "Member of the British Empire" was conferred on Brother Charles Campbell, P.M. of this Lodge. The congratulations of the Brethren are duly recorded in the minute.

5th November 1931. At the AGM, it was reported that Brother Lord BeIhaven and Stenton had been elected as Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland, and at the same meeting Brother James McClurg was congratulated on being appointed as Provost of the Burgh of Motherwell and Wishaw, and Brother George Barr on being appointed as a Magistrate.

2nd June 1932. Brother Alexander Thompson, D.M., presented to the Lodge the gift of a Bible Carrier, the wood of which had been cut from an oak tree which had grown near the place where the great explorer David Livingstone was born at Blantyre, and in whose memory this Lodge took it's name.

13th August. A deputation of the Brethren attended the unveiling ceremony of a bronze tablet at the Police Station to the memory of the late Brother William Henry Welsh, P.D.M. and Chief Constable.

20th September 1933. A very interesting lecture on "The Masonic Allegory of the Great Pyramid" was given by Brother Andrew B. Buchanan, M.M. Lodge No. 716. The lecture was illustrated by over 100 lanternslides, and was attended by a large number of Brethren and visitors.

13th September 1934. Another very interesting lecture was given by Brother Alexander Thompson on the "Two Pillars and the Signs and Steps". A presentation was made to the Lodge of an Officer’s Sword, by Brother Alfred L. Anderson.

10th January 1935. The Brethren agreed to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Lodge and to hold a function suitable to the occasion on Saturday, 3rd August, and to invite representatives from Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge to attend.As next year was the Bicentenary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, Brother David Thom, P.M., Treasurer, was appointed Bicentenary Steward of the Lodge to collect subscriptions for the fund to entertain Overseas visitors, which had been started at the request of the Grand Master and Grand Lodge. It was also reported that His Royal Highness Edward Prince of Wales had agreed to allow himself to be installed as the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland at the November meeting in 1936, and act as host to the visiting Brethren from over the Border and from Overseas.

11th January. Brother Alfred L. Anderson made another presentation to the Lodge of a beautiful glass Charter case, and was thanked by the R.W.M. and Brethren.

3rd August. The Lodge celebrated its Diamond Jubilee at a special meeting presided over by Brother Thomas Bryce, Jr., R.W.M. The Grand Lodge of Scotland was represented by Brother David Patterson, P.M. Lodge St. Bride’s, Uddingston, a member of Grand Committee.The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire (M.W.) was represented by Brother William McKean, Substitute Provincial Grand Master. The following Sister Lodges were represented by their RW.M.’s:— St. Mary’s, No. 31, Hamilton, No.233, Woodhall St. John's, No. 305, St. John DaIzell, No.406, Robert King Stewart, No. 919, and Motherwell Caledonian, No. 1228. Brother Thomas Bryce, R.W.M., welcomed the visitors and intimated the business of the meeting, which was the celebration of the Lodge’s Diamond Jubilee. Afterwards a splendid dinner was partaken of, followed by Loyal and Masonic Toasts, and a most enjoyable harmony. Brother Alexander Walker, P.M., and Secretary, made the occasion of the celebrations, an opportunity for the production of an attractive brochure containing much interesting information of the history of the Lodge since its institution.

5th September. Brother Thomas Bryce, R.W.M., presented Brother William Colthart, R.W.M. of Lodge Motherwell Caledonian, No. 1228, with a miniature mallet with the numbers of both Lodges and the Square and Compasses beautifully carved thereon, as a memento of the occasion of having conferred the Master Mason Degree in his Mother Lodge, No. 573. At the same meeting Brother James Rennie, M.M. of Lodge No. 1096, E.C., complimented Brother Colthart on the excellent rendering of the Third Degree, remarking that he thought the ceremonial work was more impressive and elaborate than was done under the English Constitution.

27th September. Brother Thomas Bryce, R.W.M., accompanied by his Worshipful Wardens, attended the 75th Anniversary of Lodge St. John DaIzell, No. 406.

3rd February 1936. In common with all other Lodges in Scotland, the Lodge (by command of the Most Worshipful Grand Master) went into mourning for the death of His Most Gracious Majesty King George V, for three months.

14th June. A United Divine Service in Dalziel High Church, was attended by a large number of the Brethren. The service was conducted by Brother Reverend T. B. Stewart Thomson, MC, BD, SCF, Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge, who took as his text, "Ye are the temple of the living God" (2nd Corinthians Chapter 6, verse 16).

27th August. Brother Alexander Thompson, D.M., gave a very interesting lecture on "The Continuity of Marks", illustrated by drawings.

17th November. Brother Alexander Anderson, P.M., celebrated his 60th anniversary as a Freemason, and Brother Thomas Harris, R.W.M., paid high tribute to him for the work he had done for this Lodge while he served as Right Worshipful Master for five years; 1885 to 1890. To mark the occasion the Lodge caused a special bar (suitably inscribed) to be placed on his Past Master’s Jewel.

25th February 1937. At what must be a unique occurence four brothers, sons of Brother Charles Bowman, were initiated as Entered Apprentices by Brother William Ballantyne, P.M., at the same time.

23rd June 1938. The death of our oldest Past Master, Brother Alexander Anderson, was reported. He was one of the stalwarts of the Lodge, and special tribute was paid to his memory in the minutes.

3rd November. At the Annual meeting of the Lodge, Brother Francis Anderson, P.M., presented to the Lodge his father’s Past Master’s Jewel to be worn by the Right Worshipful Master during his term of office, and handed to his successor in office at the Installation meeting. This jewel can be seen to be worn by our present R.W.M.During the year the Brethren resuscitated their Annual Dance, and it proved a great success, also the "At Home," which was enjoyed by a large number of Brethren and their good ladies. These functions help the Brethren to get to know each other better, and are certainly for the good of the Lodge.

3rd September 1939. The Second World War started in September, and we have on record that the Chief Constable gave us permission to hold meetings, on condition that a Brother was posted at the door on the ground floor, so as to warn the Brethren of the danger of approaching enemy aircraft, and also instructions from the Provincial Grand Secretary as to when and how meetings could be held. The Secretary was also instructed to keep a record of all Brethren of the Lodge who would be serving in any of the Armed Forces.

March 1940. The Lodge appointed a Committee to complete the list of Brethren now serving in the Forces and find means of providing them with some comforts from time to time. A Comforts Fund was then formed.

9th May. Brother Tennant, Provost of Coatbridge, gave an illustrated lecture on his trip from the Cape to Cairo. Brother James Mincher, ex-Provost, was in the chair, and a very good sum was realised for the Comforts Fund. About the same time an appeal was made from the Provincial Grand Secretary on behalf of wounded Servicemen in hospitals in Lanarkshire. It was known as The Masonic War Hospital Fund, and the Lodge made a grant of £10 as a first donation.

9th January 1941. Brother John K. Smith, R.W.M., paid a high tribute to Brother George B. Barr, J.P., for the honour conferred on him by the King, in making him a Member of the British Empire. Brother John Pearson, P.M., also congratulated Brother George Barr on his high honour, and expressed the wish that he would be blessed with good health to carry on the good work he had already done for the town and community. This was the third time a Brother of this Lodge had been so honoured by the King, the other two being the late Brother Charles Campbell, P.M., and the late Brother William Henry Welsh, Chief Constable.At almost every meeting of the Lodge, the R.W.M. and Brethren were continually welcoming Brethren who were home on leave from the Forces, and also on different occasions serving Brethren received gifts from the Comforts Fund.

7th May 1942. It was reported that Brother John A. R. Murray, P.M., was complimented on being appointed Chief Constable of the United Burgh of Motherwell and Wishaw. On several occasions during this year, grants were sent to all serving Brethren. The money was from the Comforts Fund, and was raised by Whist Drives, special collections, a play in the E.U. Church Hall, and from dances.

1943. There were now 95 members of the Lodge in the Forces, and at almost every meeting the R.W.M. was welcoming some of them home on leave.

1944. During this year the Lodge, along with Sister Lodges No.406 and No. 919, sponsored a performance in the Empire Theatre. The proceeds were in aid of the Masonic Hospital Fund, and after meeting all expenses the sum of £85 15s 3d,was announced.

8th June. The Right Worshipful Master, Brother John M. Alexander, made special mention of the "D-Day" invasion of Europe, and expressed the wish that it would prove successful, and also that any of our Brethren engaged in the operation would come through it safely. Sadly It was reported this month that two of our Brethren had been killed in action, namely, Brother Duncan Harris and Brother John McKillop. During the year the Lodge Comforts Fund benefitted from a "Target for Tonight" scheme, raising £46 16/-, and two dances raising £56 12s 6d.

8th May 1945. Brother Thomas Tevendale Right Worshipful Master, was pleased to welcome a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, headed by Brother William McKean, Provincial Substitute Grand Master, more especially as it was a day that would alway be remembered for the great victory of our Armed Forces and those of our Allies for freedom and justice over the enemies who had sought to destroy us.

10th May. Brother Thomas Tevendale, R.W.M., making reference to the unconditional surrender of Germany, said: "Brethren, this is Victory Week. The war in Europe is over. The mighty task to which we set our hands on that Sunday morning in September, 1939, is accomplished. We took up this fight for the freedom of the individual, while on the other side was tyranny and aggression. Britain and her Empire were not prepared for the might and ruthlessness of the German aggression when she took up the challenge. In the dark days of 1940 the world stood aghast to see the last citadel of liberty fall. It saw instead a mighty resurgence of the human spirit in these islands; the bitterness of defeat bred defiance instead of despair. Judge then the stern and exacting journey we have made since then. There has never been put forth in all our history so great, so mighty an effort. "In this week of victory, let us rejoice that we have deserved this great triumph. Let us rejoice in the strength of our great Allies, whose might and fortitude have endured with us through the long years of common endeavour. Let us rejoice that we have been spared the evil of tyranny and aggression. Brethren, a price has been paid for this freedom. Amidst our rejoicing, let us not forget those who have fallen that we should see this day: the fighting men of Britain and her Allies. Let us thank our Supreme Master that the shadow which might have shrouded the whole world in misery for generations has been lifted. Let us look forward to a speedy end of the war in the Far East, and to the homecoming of our men, many of them our brethren, who have done and given so much for us in the great struggle which has ended in Europe this week." The brethren were upstanding in silence for two minutes in memory of those who had fallen.

20th May. A Thanksgiving Service was held in the Hall on Sunday, under the auspices of Lodges No. 406, No. 573 and No. 1228, and was conducted by Brother Reverend H. 0. Wallace, M.M. No. 233, and Past Master of Lodge "Galashiels." A Thanksgiving Service was held on the 31st May in Grand Lodge, at which the Right Worshipful Master and Wardens attended.

16th August. The Right Worshipful Master made fitting reference to the end of the war in the Far East with Japan on the 14th August, by saying: "Brethren, this week we have received the long-awaited news. Japan, the last of the aggressor nations, has surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, bringing to an end the greatest war in history, and bringing peace to a weary world. A wave of rejoicing is sweeping the whole world, soberly or tumultuously as age and character dictate. Above all such rejoicing, a deep and solemn prayer of thanksgiving should arise from the nation for our preservation from the evil that beset us. When we have sadly paid proud tribute to the dead, we should render thanks to those men and women whose great achievements have brought us final victory, and let us not forget those who are still suffering—the wounded, the maimed, and the blind. The gratitude of the nation to the men and women of His Majesty’s Forces, the Merchant Navy, the Civil Defence, and the Workshops are beyond words to express. Never in our long history has the tale of valour, of sustained effort, and masterly skill been surpassed. Never before has the nation made such a mighty and widespread response to the call of duty. One hundred and fifty-five of the Brethren of this Lodge responded to the call to serve in H.M. Forces, and I think it fitting that we should put on record our humble gratitude for the part they played in bringing about the fall of Germany, Italy and Japan, the most aggressive, ruthless and treacherous enemy the world has ever known. I regret to say that seven of these Brethren have made the supreme sacrifice. Our deepest sympathy goes out to their wives, fathers and mothers and relatives at this time, when rejoicing is but natural, and it is up to us to see that this time their sacrifice has not been made in vain. The seven brethren who laid down their lives are:—Brothers William Smith, Duncan Harris, John McKillop, James Porter, John Philip, William Dove and George Williams, and to their memory I ask you to be upstanding and observe two minutes’ silence. The British Empire has many dangers and difficulties lurking ahead. They are all too plain for all of us to see, but if we choose our courses wisely, and if we face the future as we have the past, responding as nobly in times of peace as we did in times of war, I feel we may attain the peace, happiness and prosperity we are looking forward to, in the new world that lies ahead."

1st November. At the Annual meeting, it was agreed to discontinue the Comforts Fund, and that the balance in the Fund be divided equally among the Brethren still serving.

26th August 1946. A United Thanksgiving Service was held in the Masonic Hall, arranged by the following Lodges:—Nos. 31, 305, 406, 427, 573, 919, 1096 and 1228. The Service was conducted by Brother Reverend John McCoIl, Provincial Depute Grand Master, and was largely attended.

19th February 1947. Brothers Charles Taylor, John Burness, William Walls and William Borland, who had all paid Lodge Dues for over 50 years, were presented with Life Membership. At the same meeting, Brother Alexander Walker, P.M., Secretary, was presented with a fountain pen, wallet with money, and gifts for his good lady, in recognition of having completed 25 years as Secretary of the Lodge and 37 years as an Office-bearer. As a further mark of appreciation of his long service to the Lodge, Brother The Earl of Galloway, Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland, conferred on Brother Walker the honorary rank of Grand Bible Bearer to the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Brother Walker had been a member of the Board of Grand Stewards of the Grand Lodge for the past three years. A special appeal by the Earl of Galloway, Most Worshipful Grand Master, for donations to a special fund in support of Grand Lodge Centenary Fund, was made at a meeting in August. It was agreed that the appeal be sent to every Brother of the Lodge, and a grant of £200 be given from the General Fund.

7th August. It was reported that the fee for Initiation was raised to £7 7/- plus 5/-, and the Lodge Dues to 5/-, while only five candidates are allowed for any Degree at a time, and only one Degree at any meeting. These alterations were agreed at Grand Lodge.

1948. During the year, Brother John Robb. P.M., gave some very interesting lectures in the Lodge on the Masonic Apron, The Charge, Proficiency, and The Square and its Symbolism. It was agreed (after a notice of motion) that all Brethren who had paid Lodge Dues for 21 consecutive years be exempt from Lodge Dues and receive Life Membership. The Secretary reported that there were 332 Brethren entitled to this privilege.


Chapter 4

