Date of Charter

2nd August 1875














The 75 th Anniversary - The Swinging Sixties. 

1950. The service of unveiling of the Second World War Memorial Tablet was performed by Brother William Ballantyne, our oldest P.M. The officiating clergyman was Brother Reverend James Oliver, P.M. 275, P.G. Junior Chaplain. Brother Charles Thain, Piper, played the Lament, and Brother Robert Muir, Trumpeter, sounded The Last Post. The tablet, which is a replica of those erected on the East Wall after the First World War, now hangs on the South Wall of the Temple.

2nd August. The Lodge celebrated it's 75th Anniversary at a Special meeting and Celebration Dinner in the Town Hall, presided over by Brother George Adamson, R.W.M. There were 18 Past Masters of 573 present.The Grand Lodge of Scotland deputation was headed by Brother James Grieve, Past Depute Grand Master, and included Brother R. M. Battison, Grand Director of Ceremonies, and Brother Alexander Walker, P.M. 573, Grand Steward. The deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire (Middle Ward) was headed by Brother Archibald Moffat, P.M. 88 and 1228, Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden. Amongst the notable Brethren of 573 were Provost Brother Alexander Crichton, Chief Constable Brother John A. R. Murray and ex-Bailie Brother George Barr, J.P., M.B.E. Brother George Adamson, R.W.M., welcomed all the visitors to this auspicious occasion, thanking them for joining with us in our celebrations, and charging them all to convey our fraternal greetings to their respective Mother Lodges. The business of the evening being obvious, the Lodge was called from labour to refreshment, and a sumptuous dinner, served by Dalziel Co-op., was enjoyed by the 320 Brethren present. In the "after-dinner" programme the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were excellently proposed, responded to enthusiastically, and replied to in a very satisfactory manner. The musical entertainment throughout the evening was sustained by the following Brethren of 573:— Robert Little, tenor, John Smith, baritone, Robert Wilson, violinist, and James H. R. Murray, accompanist.

Other interesting information from the minutes of our celebration show that a Special Fund for deserving Brethren raised £198 15s Od, which was disbursed among 33 members, while the accounts show an income of £138 12s Od and an expenditure of £241. In the minute book are appended a news cutting and picture from "The Motherwell Times", and a letter from Grand Secretary conveying congratulations and thanks for the Coin and Brochure, presented to Grand Lodge as mementoes of the occasion.

1951. To enhance the lecture on The Emblems of Mortality, the R.W.M., Brother John Campbell, presented a miniature coffin to the Lodge, which is still in use today. The Halls were again a burden of finance, as this year the Firemaster directed that a new fire escape to comply with up-to-date regulations must be erected. The owner Lodges each contributed £150 to this expense.

June. Grand Lodge formed Benevolent Regions, and directed that every Daughter Lodge must include Almoner in the list of elected offices. This move was to further increase and promote the diffuse of benevolence in cash, kind and concern, and to make the Lodges and Brethren more aware of the needs of the less fortunate of our Brothers.

The opening of the Royal Scottish Masonic Home, "Aultwharrie," at Dunblane, by the Princess Royal, was the highlight of the Masonic year, and 573 was represented by Brother Alexander Forbes, P.M.

6th February 1952. King George VI, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, passed away on this date, and, in common with all the Craft and Nation, the Lodge was conducted in mourning.

On the 50th anniversary of the Consecration of our present Temple, it was most appropriate that the ceremonial of the Mark Degree was carried through by a team of Past Masters of the Lodge, headed by our longest serving Master, Brother William Ballantyne, who had been installed as R.W.M. in 1906, only four years after the building was erected.

28th September. The reintroduction of an annual Divine Service was mooted and resulted in the first Post-War Joint Divine Service of the three local Lodges taking place in St. Andrew’s Parish Church on Sunday. Brother Reverend J. McKechnie, M.M. St. Mary, Fyvie, 1287, minister of Hamilton Old Parish Church, preached the sermon, and the lessons were read by R.W.M. Brother William Barr. Brother McKechnie was later obligated as an Honorary Member of the Lodge for his services. A parade of some 250 Brethren, representing 19 Lodges, headed by Dalziel Highland Pipe Band and including Provost Alexander Crichton, made an impressive, and inspiring sight.

30th October. After careful consideration as to the aims and purposes, an Instruction Class was inaugurated.

6th November. Brother John Beresford, Jun., presented to the Lodge a beautiful coloured Fellowcraft tracing board which he had completed and made copyright. This tracing board is still in use today.

4th December. The Brethren agreed to purchase new regalia from Messrs D. M. Goudielock, the price of which, was as follows:—

Dress aprons with Emblems of Office £ 5 - 17 - 6  each
Sashes with " 573 " £ 2 - 11 - 8     "
Collarettes £ 0 -  5 - 11    "
Gauntlets per pair £ 4 -  3 -  2     "
Masters Chain of Office ( Silver Gilt ) £ 94-  0 - 0

8th January 1953. It seems worthy of note that at this meeting , 16 petitions for membership were submitted, of which 14 later passed the Enquiry Committee.

1954. The Grand Lodge of Scotland instituted a Distinguished Service Diploma, and invited Daughter Lodges to propose suitable recipients for this award. The Lodge unanimously agreed on two applications, Brother Alexander Walker, P.M., Secretary, and Brother Stewart Wilson.

28th January. Distinguished Service Diplomas were duly presented. Brother Alexander Walker was initiated on 11th January, 1906, 48 years earlier, and has served the Lodge as an Office-Bearer for 45 years, the last 32 years as Secretary. He was R.W.M. in 1918. Brother Stewart J. Wilson has been the Lodge Organist for 29 years.

18th November. The Secretary read a letter from Brother Robert T. Sime (present D.M. at Provincial Grand Lodge), giving an account of his visit to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, and forwarding a Gavel, Book and Keystone made from the stones of King Solomon’s Temple.

11th September 1955. It would seem worthy of note that at this meeting, a request was made to the existing Halls Committee that a lift be installed in the Halls (even then, it would appear as if the Brethren needed a little assistance to reach the Temple on the top flat).

9th August 1956. Brother William Russell presented to the Lodge two swords with Masonic engravings on the handles, with the request that they be kept as a lasting memorial to his father, Brother J. Russell.

1st November. After 35 years of service as Secretary, Brother Alexander Walker, P.M., retired saying he felt that he now deserved a well-earned rest. His retiral, however, was not to be of long duration, as on 29th August, 1957, he was called to the Grand Lodge above. So the Lodge lost one of its most faithful members. "Well done, good and faithful servant."

20th December. The Lodge was stunned by the death of Brother Stewart Wilson, Organist. It was agreed to purchase a rose tree, the same to be planted in the Garden of Remembrance at Daldowie Crematorium. Men of such calibre as Brother Alexander Walker and Brother Stewart Wilson are difficult to replace, and their service to their Mother Lodge beyond value.

9th July 1957. At the quarterly communication of Grand Lodge, the following resolution was passed: "That the Daughter Lodges appoint qualified auditors to do the annual audit of Lodge books."

In the autumn a sub-committee reviewed the Lodge bye-laws. The recommended changes were subsequently adopted on 16th January, 1958, and approved by P.G.L. and G.L.

January 1958. Brother John Alexander, P.M., P.P.G.S.W., was commissioned by P.G.M. Brother Captain John Christie-Stewart as Substitute Provincial Grand Master, this being the first time this honour had been bestowed on a member of our Lodge. In February, Brother Alexander was further honoured by being elected to Grand Committee.

2nd October. Brother John Campbell, P.M., presented an altar to the Masonic Halls Committee for use in the Concert Hall. The altar, dedicated to the memory of Brother Alexander Walker, P.M., Secretary, was consecrated by Brother Reverend Andrew Higgins, MA., Lodge No. 1011, and thereafter accepted on behalf of the Committee by their chairman, Brother John Gibson, P.M. 406.

Father of the R.W.M., ex-Bailie Brother George Barr, Senior, died in October, Brother John Alexander, P.M., paid fitting tribute to his services to town and craft, and a minute’s silence was observed.

The second phase of the Royal Scottish Masonic Homes was completed and Randolph Hill was now open for Brethren, Widows and Dependents.

January 1959. Brother Robert Scott, who had held the post of Tyler for 20 years, was awarded the Distinguished Service Diploma, and this was presented to him at his home by Brother George Barr, I.P.M., accompanied by the R.W.M. and Wardens. The very sudden death of Brother John Alexander, P.M., S.P.G.M., shocked the Lodge and Province. Brother Tom Monteith, R.W.M. spoke of his fine work for the Craft nationwide, and the Brethren observed one minute’s silence.

15th September 1960. Brother Dr. Alexander Buchan, Grand Secretary, visited the Lodge, and gave a most interesting and instructive talk on "Freemasons at Home and Abroad." He was obligated as an Honorary Member by the R.W.M.

20th October. Lodge Murdostoun Castle No. 1096, Cleland, visited the Lodge for the first time, under their R.W.M., Brother Archibald McMurdo. This began an inter-visitation which has continued since.

January 1961. The Distinguished Service Diploma was awarded to Brother Alexander A. R. Murray, P.M., who had served the Lodge both as Treasurer, and Secretary. The diploma was presented to him in his home by the Master, Wardens and Office-bearers. Unfortunately, Brother Murray passed away on the following Sunday. During the summer recess, the Lodge bowlers did us proud, winning the McKerrow Cup and finishing as runners-up in the Robert King Stewart Trophy.

16th January 1964. Brother Francis Anderson, who had been a Past Master for fifty years. was presented with the Distinguished Service Diploma, and a combined walking stick and umbrella in recognition of his valued services to the craft. The presentation was made by Brother Alexander Sneddon, P.M., who had occupied the chair only eight years after Brother Anderson.

The Almoners Whist, which had been an annual fund-raising event, had to be discontinued owing to lack of support. This highlighted two problems, the urgent need to find alternative fund-raising methods, and the changing social pattern.

1st October. A notice of motion was accepted to amend the Halls Committee Bye-law 27, thus permitting the sale of spirits within the Halls. After a very lengthy discussion, it was carried by 49 votes to 12.

1st November. The wives and Brethren held a very successful sale of work, which raised the sum of £147.

Introduced this year also was the Christmas Draw, which boosted the Benevolent Fund by £281—both worthwhile and very successful Ventures.

20th May 1965. Brother David Scott, P.M., was presented with the Distinguished Service Certificate for his services to Freemasonry, and to the Lodge in particular.

4th November. Two notices of motion were submitted, the subjects of very full and serious discussion.

1. "The Lodge to give the Halls Committee authority to form a Social Club."

2. "The Lodge to apply for a special licence allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages at the forthcoming Installation."

Both were carried, 65-13, and 60-10 respectively.

This step saw the end of an era, the end of a very proud tradition, previously mentioned in the early history of our Lodge, causing grief and despair to a number of older Brethren. It can also be said, however, that it saw the start of a new and more enlightened approach to the social side of the Lodge activities, more in keeping with the times.

26th October 1966. The Lodge donated £10 to the Aberfan Disaster Fund, and the sum of £125 was loaned to a Sister Lodge which required some assistance.

This year also saw the first visit to our Sister Lodge, Scone and Perth No. 3.

2nd February 1967. A new local Lodge, Mauldslie Castle No. 1630, was consecrated and their Office-Bearers installed. One of our Brethren, Brother Angus Hughes, a former Office-Bearer of "573", was installed as Substitute Master.

Our Lodge gave a promissory note to Grand Lodge of £200, this to be our donation to the third Masonic Home (Ardnablane).

20th May. The previously mentioned Masonic Social Club did not have the blessing of our Provincial Grand Master, Brother K. Byers, so the Lodge decided to apply for a Licence to be operated by Lodge members themselves, under the direct control of R.W.M., Wardens, Secretary and Treasurer.

On the same day, we had our first visit from Lodge Scone and Perth No. 3, who performed the Master Mason ceremony. Their Master, Brother John Bruce, received Honorary Membership for his services to 573.

17th June. The third Masonic Home (Ardnablane) was the scene of the very impressive ceremony of laying the foundation stone. This was carried out by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Major Sir Ronald Orr Ewing, and his Office-bearers. In a blaze of colour, amid glorious sunshine,our Lodge representatives enjoyed a most pleasant and memorable treat.

1st February 1968. The Lodge received a very generous anonymous donation of £100, which, added to our promissory note, made our total donation to Ardnablane £300.

1969. Our congratulations went out to Brother Robert T. Sime on his appointment as Substitute Provincial Grand Master, bringing honour to himself and the Lodge.

This year saw the formation of the Past Masters’ Council of Motherwell, to whose Dinner, the Masters of the three Lodges were invited.

24th January. The Lodge Burns Supper was revived. This took the form of a Supper, and Dance, the principal speaker on that occasion being Mr Wilson Humphries, a local teacher, and well-known former footballer.

27th February. A meeting of Past Masters, and Office-bearers was called, and a sub-committee formed to advise on the format of the Lodge Centenary Celebrations and to suggest fund-raising methods for new regalia, etc.

29th March. On this Saturday, the Lodge visited Lodge Macduff No. 940. East Wemyss and worked a Third Degree.

Theatre outings to the Metropole, and Pavilion in Glasgow were popular ventures this year.

24th September. Brother John B. Law, P.M., presented a Director of Ceremonies Baton to the Lodge.

3rd April 1970. Our Annual Ball was held this year in the new Civic Centre Ballroom.

13th May. The Lodge held the first joint Games Night and invited our two local Sister Lodges. In spite of our recent misfortunes on these occasions, we can at least record victory that evening.

At the installation of Provincial Grand Lodge, Lanarkshire Middle Ward, one of our P.M.s, Brother William Barr, attained the high position of Provincial Grand Senior Warden.

17th April. With changing conditions, it was once again necessary to revise the Lodge bye-laws, and those revisions were subsequently approved by Provincial Grand Lodge, and Grand Lodge.

The difficult position of the Halls Committee finances was once again evident when we found it necessary to donate to them £150 from Lodge funds. To review these finances, the General Committees of Lodge 406 and Lodge 573 met with the Halls Committee in November, but, unfortunately, no formula could be drawn up to alleviate this position

7th January 1971. The Lodge agreed to change the Annual Installation from the fourth Thursday of November, to the fourth Friday.

21st January. In order to supply the Halls Committee with a weekly income, it was agreed that a Development Fund be started.

18th March. Two regalia cases for use of Wardens when on visitations were presented by Brother W. Graham Marshall, J.D.

2nd September. A letter from Provincial Grand Lodge advised the installation of Brother William Barr, P.M., as Provincial Secretary, and Brother Robert T. Sime as Depute Provincial Grand Master.

A golf section of the Lodge was advised on the same night by Brother Charles Scott, W.S.W., and for the princely sum of 25p, any Brother would be welcomed into membership.

The sum of £800 having matured as 3 per cent. Savings Bonds, was re-invested with Leeds Permanent Building Society at 4.25 per cent.

18th November. A member, who wished to remain anonymous, presented to the Lodge two Pillars, two Mallets and two Striking Plates, for use of Wardens.

22nd December. A matter of special interest was the Installation Brother Angus Hughes—a member of Lodge 573— into the chair of Lodge Mauldslie Castle No. 1630 by Brother George G. Smith, assisted by Brother Thomas Monteith , both Past Masters of this Lodge.

6th April 1972. The interests of the older Brethren were not forgotten, and from the minute, "That a dinner be held each October for members of the Lodge who have retired." The finances of the Halls Committee being still far from healthy, it was agreed to donate a further £150.

22nd April. The Office-Bearers, being cognisant of the Importance of the year 1975, instructed the Secretary to enquire regarding prices for new Regalia. At this meeting, Brother George G. Smith, P.M., Brother William Campbell, P.M., Brother John Darroch, P.M., Brother W. Graham Marshall, S.D., Brother David Struthers, P.M., and Brother Alexander McAnally, P.M., were deputed to write the Centenary Brochure.

Introduced this year was the Lodge Dinner, held in the Concert Hall, and voted a great success, to be continued as an annual event.

18th January 1973. Inflation was beginning to rear its ugly head, and as one Lodge in the Province was unable to meet a rates demand, it was agreed that we, in common with other Lodges in the Province, donate £5 to assist them.

24th May. The quotations for the new Regalia now being on hand, that of D. Goudielock of £523.20 was accepted, and the date for Re-dedication of the Temple fixed for 23rd August, 1975, and Centenary Ball on 12th September, 1975.

7th June. In order to assist in raising funds for the Centenary Year, the wives and sweethearts of the Brethren of No. 573 held their first meeting. The results of their labours will be seen later.

6th September. Continuing increasing costs compelled the initiation fee to be increased to £14.10

28th February 1974. Receipt of the new regalia was acknowledged, and Brother George G. Smith offered to provide a pool of five cases for Office-bearers to use when taking aprons, etc., on Visitations.


Chapter 5

